Monday, August 25, 2008

Up hill testing.

So far the ankle has been holding up great! we just did our 1km up hill double pole test. My previous time was 4:18 and I was able to come close to it a few days prior, 4:19 during an on my own intensity session. So I did the test with the rest of the team and after the break at the top of the hill Thomsen, Pate and I were out front, as the test progressed I ended up finishing just behind Thomsen and ahead of Pate. I had smashed my old record and posted a new time of 3:46 significantly better! Thanks boys for the push! Now time for the legs only. This test showed improvement but nothing to write home about! I was 5 seconds faster than previous. But hey, I did improve. Here is where you can check out some pics and a short write up from Erik Nilsson.
...ok the link wont load i will add it later today!
More updates to come.
V02 max testing on the treadmill tomorrow!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Testing week

Well I have decided to play it safe and not run the uphill time trial. I was honestly looking forward to running this and smashing my old time. It was going to happen. I went to physio today and got turned right around. Turns out the roofers decided to finish the roof work today instead of last night...funny thing IT POURED LAST NIGHT!!! The place was a disaster! so no physio for me. from there I headed to a follow up appointment with a doctor to go over x-rays. No problems there. Although they did find an old hairline fracture on the outside of my ankle (unrelated) but things were ok they said. So I have made it my personal mission to make the double pole test mine. I will head to the access road tomorrow and try a few different strategies and see what saturday will bring. I will keep you posted through the week hopefully with some pics!


Monday, August 18, 2008

Rest week wrap up and straight into testing...

Well my rest week did not start the way I wanted it to. On monday we were running one of our monitoring tests up at Alice lake and I re-sprained my ankle (from Peachland) bad. It swelled up like a "Cankle" that is where it looks like your calf runs straight to your heel, Thanks Zach... anyway it has stayed huge up until today where I had some major Physio work on it. needless to say an hour and a half in there brought the swelling down.

Notice the swelling and bruising around the lower foot and heel.

Notice the lack of swelling and bruising on my right foot.

Just a little example that pic was taken 1 week after. Rest week went well I still managed to log the recovery hours I aimed for and relatively painless.

It was quite easy to sit around with my foot in an ice bucket or use the icing machine lent to me, Thank you Stacey and Al, I am sure I will owe some babysitting for that but very worth it! anyway back to me finding it easy to sit and do nothing, thanks to the Olympics, which had been relatively quiet for Canada up until a few days ago! so I will continue to nurse my anklle through the coming week with a test about every other day. Tomorrow I will go up to the Callaghan to do some speed work, Thursday has the uphill run on the agenda, I hopefully will do this, the PT was still a little unsure I should do it. Saturday is the double pole/no pole test up the venue road. finishing next tuesday with V02 max test.

Post testing I will sneak away to Invermere a few days before starting our joint camp with team 2010 at Nipika resort, just outside of Radium. So the next few weeks are going to be very busy and super fun!

until next time


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Elfin lakes OD

Yesterday Jesse (my teammate), Erik Nilsson and I had decided to take a trip up to Elfin lakes. Last fall we used this area a couple of times for early snow crust skiing. Arriving at the lower parking lot we were greeted by a bear, I am sure we woke him up and as well as almost hit him with a rock...Jesse proving he did hear a noise in the trees. So we head off on our hike. It is about a 45 min hike/run up to the plateau where you can do more running than hiking. Once you reach the lake you can continue on to hike up to the saddle or continue on to a glacier. Our workout was only 3 hours so we headed towards the saddle for a little ways before turning around. The weather has been exceptional here in Squamish with temperatures reaching the low 30's. Next week we go into a rest week before starting our testing block the following week. On the run Erik and I managed to get a few great shots of the hike...Enjoy


Elfin Lakes
Jesse and I enjoying the run!!!Erik on his way up the saddle

Jesse and Erik