Wednesday, February 18, 2009


*** So the launch will be tonight we ran into a few problems so expect it later on today sometime!!!***

It's offical point your browser towards a little later today and the new site should be up and running! enjoy and let me know what you think !!!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Westerns...A No Go...

With some discussions with both of my coaches I have decided to forgo Westerns In Canmore due to the fact I just got over a vicious Flu! and have been dealing with my back injury. I can honestly say that I have not ever been that scared during a sickness...I was barely sleeping at night and sleeping all day. It was really tough with a migrane for 2.5 days and a had that felt horrible. The good news is I just have a slight residual sore throat and my energy has not taken to much of a hit. I have also had the chance to get into the Sage Sports Institue in Kamloops here which was great! I am now headed for some more tests and some extensive physio! The doctors have been very thorough, and concerned with this. So from here I will head back to Squamish sometime next week for some final preparations before we head to National Championships in Duntroon, Ontario. Am I excited for this trip?? Yes, I am! I am hoping i can finally get a hold on my injury and finish the year out strong! I went for an easy ski yesterday and it felt so nice to finally get back out on skis again! So some exciting news for me....I guess as well as all of you..I will have my new website up and running possibly as early as the end of today! I will be making minor tweaks to it but I think I have it almost where I want it! anyway I would appreciate lots of feedback and suggestions from everyone about the content, features or whatever you think! Please feel free to let me know if there is something there you would like to see if its not there!

anyway I am going to head out for another ski this morning and see if I can't start to whip myself back into shape!

until next time, Keep em pointed straight!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm Back!!!!....Again!

So my blogging has been quite bad apologies! So racing since the world cup has been going ok for me I had a great qualifier in Rossland and a weird set of heats. Tactics were a little weird and played out not to my favor. I almost skied my way into the a-final but missed out in the lunge....but hey thats racing! Sunday's classic race went very good for the first lap before my injury took over...I was skiing very strong and techniquely sound. I felt as though I could really push the uphills and the flats hard and recover fine. I also had a funny crash with Tristan Flock in the lap lane, Thanks Erik for sick skis all weekend! I don't remember the last time I had skis that good in a classic race. After the weekend I took a bit of time to evaluate and realized that the weekend was not that bad at all. I mean obviously its not the exact place I owuld like to be...but it is a stepping stone towards it. I have been in Kamloops training and building some base and working on some speed. I have noticed that my skate starts have been pathetic! So that has been a big focus as well as technique both in skate and classic. From here i head over to Vancouver to do an appearance event then shoot over to Kelowna to join my home club Omineca to race the BC Champs club relays, one of the races I look forward to the most! So like i said I have been building the base and so far have 8 hours this week and have enjoyed every minute of it! I have also been working on re-vamping my website with my aunt so hopefully will have that up soon! anyway I should head for bed training all these hours makes me look so forward to sleep!

Until next time!


Again...I have fallen off...

Ok I m headed out for a ski right now...I promise i will have an update by later on today! I realize that I have fallen off the Blog-wagon hard lately (Thank you for pointing it out You-Know-Who! I do need a little jump start sometimes!) it's good for people to keep me in check! so expect it later today!